Bits and Pieces
You certainly know the problem. No, you knew it. No, no, that's not what I'm trying to say either. I'll try once more: Actualy you known the problem and you used to know the solution since you already solved it earlyer on. The whole point of what I'm trying to say is: Don't you face this situation, too, when you know you have to solve one of these computer riddles once again only because you forgot the solution when you solved it the last time? Carramba!
That's why this Page exists. It's my little documentary to those every day's not-every-day's-problems one comes along working with computers.
- 18.6.2018 How to import a local svn repo into an new github repository
- 8.6.2018 Run old ILO/DRAC Java Consoles
- 30.9.2015 How to create a CSR for a Hostpoint FreeSSL Certificate
- 15.3.2015 convert a whole bunch of files from one charset to another
- 15.4.2014 Fix JRE to run old Java remote Consoles
- 21.1.2014 Fix Kmail IMAP SSL Storm in Gentoo
- 27.6.2013 Enqueue and play a song to adacious
- 26.9.2012 GoPro timelape with unix tools
- 29.1.2010 Muisc (Media) Streaming for the Poor Ones
- 6.3.2008 Put the .viminfo file to an arbitrary location
- 8.5.2007 Western Digital "MyBook Pro Edition II" 1 TB & linux
- 5.2.2007 Linux Boot Images for sparc64
- 1.2.2007 ssh public key authentication with ssh-agent
- 29.1.2007 Firefox and the different Java Engines on a Gentoo Box